" It's difficult for us women to admit ambition. I think that's why you're here! "Alice Zagury - CEO The Family
" It was a two-way relationship with my mentor, a lot of exchanges, sharing of experience and know-how and I gained a lot of self-confidence." Loren Synnaeve - Founder of Baguette Publlishing (mentee of the MEWEM 2019 promotion)
"I think I have a lot to learn from this program as a mentor, that I will meet bright people and it has already started in one day. I can help young women structure their ideas and I would like to put my weight behind them. "Marie-Anne Robert - Global Head of Artists services Believe (MEWEM 2020 mentor)
On October 15, MEWEM organized the first franco-german workshop dedicated to mentoring, bringing together 40 mentors and mentees from both countries for a day of conferences, debates and thematic workshops. This day of exchanges demonstrated how mentoring is a powerful tool for empowerment and opens up opportunities for each participant.
For the two French and German leaders, - Maud Gari and Désirée Vach - this meeting is a first step in the development of a mentoring network for women on a European scale.
In France, the call for applications for the new 2020 edition of MEWEM is open until 1 December 2019.
Launched by FELIN in 2019, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the European Commission, MEWEM supports women's entrepreneurship. 12 laureates are accompanied by 12 experienced women from the music industry.
On the agenda for the day of 15 October
Animated by a former impresario who became a trainer specialized in women's leadership, Muriel de Saint Sauveur :
A round table moderated by Sarah Brunet "Mentoring for women entrepreneurs: a concrete solution to break the glass ceiling? Testimonies, comparison between several programs and sharing of experiences". With Alice Zagury, CEO The Family, Laurine Pelassy (producer Les Films de la Capitaine) mentee of the European EWA program and Dania Stratan coordinator of UNIC's European mentoring for women who run cinemas.
Thematic workshops to propose solutions on topics that directly concern them: company visibility, personal communication, influence and networking, self-confidence and leadership, glass ceiling, mentoring.
A toolbox given to each participant compiling the ideas from each workshop.
The podcast produced by CheekMagazine is a faithful transcription of the profiles and points of view of women music entrepreneurs.
From left to right (by row)
- Charlotte Decroix Coordinatrice MEWEM / Fondatrice HMS Records
- Sevana Tchakerian Manageuse DayLayl Production
- Agathe Perego CEO Moja Audio
- Sara Lanaya Gérante Chez Ace
- Fabienne Rudolph Licensing Manager Concord
- Beate Fischer Conseillère en promotion
- Laurine Pelassy Productrice Les Films de la Capitaine
- Muriel de Saint Sauveur Fondatrice de Women Masterclass
- Maud Gari Déléguée générale de la FELIN
- Désirée Vach Fondatrice de Snowhite Records, co-fondatrice de MusicIndustryWomen
- Jennifer Schild Cheffe de projet à Berlin Music Commission
- Alice Robelin Fondatrice JamSpace
- Emily Gonneau Fondatrice Nüagency et La Nouvelle Onde
- Alice Caron Fondatrice Les Films de Morphée
- Juliette Metz Directrice exécutive Encore Merci et présidente CSDEM
- Marie-Anne Robert Global Head of Artists services Believe
- Lisa Riepe Streaming & playlist manager Zebralution
- Katel Artiste et co-fondatrice du label FRACA !!!
- Dania Stratan Coordinatrice du programme de mentorat europeen UNIC pour les directrices de cinémas
- Maxi Menot Compositrice/productrice
- Evyonne Muhuri Fondatrice Makakali
- Béatrice Macé Directrice des Transmusicales de Rennes
- Céline Garcia Fondatrice Do Music
- Marie José Sallaber Gérante Label Rue Bleue et IRMA
- Amélie Martin CEO Indie Up
- Aurélie Thuot Directrice Label Adone
- Marit Posch CEO Monkeytown Music et Seilscheibenpfeiler
- Amandine Steiger Manageuse d’artistes
- Clothilde Chalot CEO NomadMusic et NomadPlay
- Anne Cibron Business Affairs / Agent d’artistes
- Laurence Le Ny VP Ecosystem startup Creative Industries Orange
- Sarah Brunet Policy Officer Commission Européenne
- Amélie Arcamone Fondatrice ICU Live Music
- Céline Lepage Chargée de mission FELIN
- Corinne Sadki Directrice du développement Le Bureau Export
- Anne Haffmanns Label Management (Domino DE)
- Valentine Feoux Fondatrice Astral Sound
- Loren Synnaeve Fondatrice Baguette Publishing
- Laureen Cousin Service civique MEWEM
- Alice Zagury CEO The Family
- Hugo Amsellem Directeur Berlin The Family
- Catherine Boissière Directrice de la communication SACEM
- Sarah Bastin Photographe (crédits photos)
- Faustine Kopiejswki Co-fondatrice Cheek Magazine
- Mathias De La Fuente Radio Nova